Royston – Day Surgery Unit

Scope of work

The client, based in Australia appointed a local Project Manager (Bryan Matthews). The PM would provide some Rough Order of Costs numbers and run it past us for confirmation, these would then become the budget. Timeframes were also considered/reviewed, and these were loaded into the client’s business case for the necessary approvals within their organisation. Once approved, the consulting team would be engaged and we would attend the design meetings; offer advice where appropriate, usually around structural design (to defend the budget, construction speed and availability), material choice (based on known availability and budget) and detail design (to simplify construction). At various stages we would undertake elemental estimates to check the design against budget and bring in the subtrades to add advice and provide further budget reviews. Once we got to a point where we had an agreed design, the drawings would be completed for Building Consent and while that was being processed, we would enter into a fixed price contract for each stage.



National Category Winner: Altus Health


Project Partners

Alexander Construction Management (Construction Company), Klein Architects (Architect/Designer), MHL Project Managers (Project Manager)

Owned By

Evolution Healthcare

Royston Day Surgery is a purpose-built facility that enriches the healthcare landscape in the Hawke’s Bay. It offers state-of-the-art orthopaedic care, including advanced operating theatres, recovery areas, and support services. The build is patient-centric, with plenty of natural light, and includes sustainability features, such as insulated precast walls for structural stability and energy efficiency. Despite being located within the hospital campus and facing logistical challenges such as partial road closures, Alexander Construction ensured minimal disruption. Additionally, the decision to construct the orthopaedic theatre as a standalone building rather than within the existing hospital complex was made swiftly, demonstrating Alexander Construction’s flexibility and commitment to the client’s needs.

Judges comments

The Royston Day Surgery was designed for patient comfort and modern healthcare. This is clear throughout the structure, which has been built for a seamless, circular patient journey. On arrival, patients transition through a welcoming reception and pre-surgery waiting and examination rooms before moving on to operating theatres and finishing in recovery areas. The team’s attention to detail is evident in both the patient-facing areas and the less visible ‘back of house’ spaces. Advanced technologies are integrated throughout the facility to enhance operational efficiency and safety, including ‘Airframe’ air filtration systems in the operating theatres, ensuring a sterile environment in the surgical area. This thoughtful design and integration of technology establishes Royston Day Surgery as a leading modern surgical care facility.

Client Acurity Health Group
Client Project Manager
Bryan Matthews
MHL Project Managers
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